Thursday, February 4, 2010

What do you do, with no boss around?


What do you do--aside from making a blog ofcourse--when your boss is not around, and theres no work to do in the office???
Here's what I've--well with my other friends too--been doing, making a fool of my (our) self, by taking pictures all around the office, and make silly video about nothing, but yet something.

Here's one, I've recorded around 2 days ago. Rather than feeling sleepy, i've decided to put a video on my blog! I've even edited it myself. And I can say I'm so proud of myself for being able to create this really simple video, since I am pretty much 'gaptek' and all.

So enjoy watching the video..., and don't forget..., world peace....

1 comment:

HeRmaN said...

Haha orang kurang kerjaann ,,,
itu yang ngambil kamera siapa Nay